I’m often asked “what’s the best way to learn Japanese?”
Well, as is the case with everything in life, different people respond differently to different techniques. Finding the best way to learn Japanese is no exception. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t right and wrong ways to go about it.
By far the best way to learn Japanese is obviously to go to Japan and be immersed with Japanese 24/7, but that is just not a realistic option for most people. So finding the best way to learn Japanese without having to pack your bags and move half way around the world usually means starting an online or classroom course whilst combining that with other study methods.
Although the bulk of most courses is either audio, text or a combination of both, there is no reason why you can’t suppliment that with other methods of learning. If you love anime for example, supplementing your base Japanese course by watching a ton of anime may be the best way to learn Japanese for you. Others may find that because they enjoy interacting with people, chatting to friends on Japanese forums or making friends with native Japanese is their best way to learn Japanese. I know a young Japanese lady who was able to get to a basic conversational level in English almost soley through listening to pop music. She got hold of the lyrics to her favorite songs and listened to them over and over, looking up any words or sentences she didn’t understand, and because she enjoyed the music she was able to learn heaps of useful English from them. When I was learning Japanese I found that combining a few methods like watching Japanese TV, looking up Japanese words and practicing them with my Japanese friends and trying my best to think in Japanese as much as possible was the best way to learn Japanese for me.
The trick is to figure out the best way or if possible ways for you to learn Japanese. There are the main catergories like TV, movies, music, reading and talking. But then you can break those down even further to more specialised areas ofinterest. For example TV could be broken up into anime, dramas, news, sports, comedy, childrens shows etc. to find the areas that most appeal to you as an individual. There are tons of sites out there, most of them free of cost, that you can utilise to taylor your supplementary studies to your own specific tastes. YouTube has heaps of videos, songs and tv shows that you can watch, there are free forums out there where you can chat to fellow Japanese language enthusisasts, native Japanese and experts on Japanese who will help you with any questions you have or chat with you in Japanese. There are both free and paid online tv and radio sites, Japanese books and manga, movies and much more to choose from. Part of the homework each week in the Speed Japanese course involves going out and testing these different techniques to find what is right for you and we give you tons of links to different sites that you can try. Get creative and find the best way to learn Japanese for you.
Visit http://speedjapaneselearning.com/ftp1/ for a free video revealing the #1 Secret to learning Japanese fast
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